After I was married, I asked my grandmother how she fixed this dish. It is so simple. I use chicken thighs which is what grandma used. First I rinse the chicken and take off the skin and as much fat as I can. Actually, Gerry doesn't like the skin on so I take it off some pieces for him. I drain it on some paper towels, pat it dry then roll it in some flour. I put it in an oblong baking dish, melt some butter, pour it over the chicken and then season the chicken with Lawry's Seasoned Salt and McCormick's California Style Garlic & Pepper. Put it in a preheated 350 degree oven and bake it for about an hour. After about 30 minutes, I turn the chicken over and season that side. I'll stick a fork close to the bone to make sure it is done. And that's it.
The only thing about fixing this is you have to disinfect the counter top and sink after preparing the chicken. I use the Clorox wipes to wipe everything down and then hot soapy water after using the wipes. I have to chuckle to myself everytime I do that because I know my mom or dad, whoever was cooking, didn't worry about doing that when I was growing up. And we didn't ever get sick! How times have changed!!
We had rice and fresh steamed cauliflower with it. So very yummy!!
We pick up our grandson Andy from kindergarten on Thursdays. He sure thought the van was pretty cool. He had so many choices on where to sit and opening the doors were fun. It didn't take him long to figure how to close them. :)
That's sooo my kind of recipe . . . simple, and it looks so ono!