Our road trip vacation is about to start. Tomorrow, Saturday May 15th, we will travel south and eventually east with our final destination being Enterprise, AL. We expect to arrive there on Monday May 25th. The trip will be broken up with several stops along the way, visiting family or an overnight hotel stop.
Our first stop is LaPuente in the San Gabriel Valley between Los Angeles and San Bernardino. We will spend Saturday and Sunday with Joyce, one of our daughters, husband George, daughters Katie, Emma and Geraldine. And visit with Wendi too, another daughter. Sunday we expect to go to church with Gerry's sister Susan and her family.
We leave LaPuente on Monday morning and travel to Phoenix where we will spend one night with Gerry's other sister Jeanne and niece Karie. I will start blogging our trip when we arrive there. I won't be able to use my laptop while we are in LaPuente because the kids don't have a wireless connection.
I have told several people that I will be blogging the trip and invited them to follow along. So hope those who read my blog regularly will do so. I am looking forward to doing it and will be including pictures too. I will also try to keep up with email and Facebook.
Well, Gerry has gone to bed and I probably should follow. He said the alarm is set for 5 am. Ugh!! I probably won't sleep much and will more than likely be up before the alarm. I am packed except for what I need to get ready in the morning. He wants to get an early start as the weather service is saying the weekend is suppose to be HOT HOT HOT!!!! When I talked to Denise this morning, she said it was hot there too. There's been some bad weather, thunderstorms, tornadoes through the midwest and south. Hopefully we won't encounter any bad weather.
I will have to double check everything in the morning and hopefully I haven't forgotten anything!
Have a great weekend and talk to you next week.
Cy's Breakfast
1 day ago
Hoooo hoooo! Excited!