It was a beautiful day here in Sacramento today. The temperature was probably in the high 60's or low 70's. There were a lot of people at church today which is usually the case on Easter and Christmas. People that don't come any other time of the year will be in church on this day. Several families had extended family members there too.
There was a brunch and an egg hunt for the children.
For probably 8 years or so in the mid 90's through early 2000's, I led the Hospitality Ministry at church. One of our responsibilities was to do a Christmas brunch and Easter brunch. Saturday night I was thinking about so many Saturday nights when I was up late getting my contributions ready for brunch and then having to be at church early to get every thing set up and ready. I had a group of ladies that worked with me, however, being the ministry leader there was a lot more I had to make sure was done. We always had a sunrise service so it was making sure the coffee was ready for those at the sunrise service.
The Easter brunch was much more extensive than the Christmas brunch. For Christmas we had baked goods and fruit. For Easter it was scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, sliced ham, egg casseroles, fruit salads or cut up fruit, enchiladas, baked goods, cold cereal for the children, fruit juices, and of course coffee. There was always so much food and much of it was gone. If there was anything left over, we took it down to the Salvation Army mission to be served to the homeless who would go there looking for a meal.
It was fun at first and then it got to the point where I dreaded it. I would make myself so crazy trying to get everything done that Gerry and I would be at each other's throats. The last year I did it, I did not even get to worship services that day and that of course did not make me happy. It was soon after that I resigned my position and actually left the church for about 3 years. There were other problems going on and I just got totally frustrated and felt like I could not be there even to worship. It was a dark period in my spiritual life.
It is amazing how God heals the hurts and restores the desire to live for Him. We are back worshipping at the same church. However, the desire to be a part of ministry or even to volunteer for anything is just not there any longer. So being at the brunch today was not something I gave a second thought to wanting to participate.
Today was about remembering our Saviour, how He died and arose for us. Resurrection Sunday is about hope and life. Brunches are just window dressing for the day.
I trust that you had a fantastic day!
Cy's Breakfast
5 hours ago
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