Today was a beautiful day, in the high 60's. I woke up this morning feeling better. I still have some light headedness and slight dizziness when I first sit up. However, compared to a week ago, things are looking up.
Gerry went on his usual Monday club ride. After I put a load of laundry on, I decided to go to Bel Air and get some groceries. An hour or so later and spending more money than I anticipated, I walked out. I had a list, I always think of something else when I get there that I didn't put on my list. Gerry was home soon after I got back.
I finished up the rest of the laundry; I still have a load of clothes in the dryer that I need to fold. I stripped the bed this morning so Gerry helped me put fresh sheets on after we had dinner. I finally took the flannel sheets off and put regular sheets on. I sure hope we don't have a cold spell and need to put the flannel ones back on. Actually I think we will just tough it out if it does turn cold again. I got warm last night and had most of the covers off of me this morning.
The wind did pick up earlier this evening. Hopefully it will pass quickly. The weather forecast did say it would be nice all week.
I found a blog today called 100 Hawaii Icons. The blogger is a photographer traveling around the islands taking pictures of the different icons or landmarks, like for instance the Aloha Tower, the Hawaiian Coat of Arms plaques that are on the gates at Iolani Palace, Hulihee Palace on the Big Island of Hawaii and the Royal Mausoleum, among others. He has photographed 23 of them so far. He has a little write up about the history and then he asks a question. He has a contest going on. Who ever answers the most questions will receive an 8x10 of one of his photos. Here's the blog address: It's quite interesting. A few of them I did not know about.
Cy's Breakfast
5 hours ago
Sounds like a neat blog. I'll go check it out. Thanks for sharing!