This is a quick post. It's 11:25 pm here and I should be getting to bed. Everyone has been asleep for awhile.
We got to Joyce & George's about 3 pm this afternoon. Left Phoenix about 7:45 am and stopped in Buckeye at Cracker Barrel for breakfast. That is the last Cracker Barrel in Arizona coming west. There are no Cracker Barrels in California. I wanted to get a jar of their Fried Apples, I love them. Got Katie and Emma an outfit and I got another knit shirt.
We stopped in Fontana (I think) at a Togo's and had some lunch. George was home when we got here and Emma was asleep. She is 19 months old. Today was the last day of school for Joyce (she teaches 3rd grade in Baldwin Park). She didn't leave school until 4pm and had to pick up Katie (age 4) from preschool. Wendi came over when she got off of work and we all went out to eat Japanese food. George enjoys eating at this restaurant we went to and he had hoped we would go when we stopped on our way east. Gerry and I had agreed that we would go when we came back.
After we got back, the girls got ready for bed and then watched the rest of Peter Pan that Emma and I started watching before Katie got home. They went to bed after it was over and George went to bed too. He gets up very early in the morning. He trains race horses out at the race track, I think, in Pomona. I may have it wrong, he'll correct me I'm sure. He has been following my posts on our trip. Gerry is going to go with him in the morning. Joyce has to go back to school for a little bit in the morning. And I am going to go check out Marukai's Japanese store.
I am fixing dinner tomorrow night. Pork Chops w/mushroom soup gravy, rice and whatever vegetable we decide on.
Oh, I must tell you Emma let me pick her up and I got goodnite hugs and kisses. She is a little shy with people she doesn't know. She does eventually warm up. Katie, on the other hand, is a social butterfly. They are the most precious little girls and we love them to pieces!!
Well, I am off to bed. Talk to y'all later!!
Cy's Breakfast
7 hours ago
"Jar of fried apples" sounded interesting. I had to Google it . . . never had it before. I know they'll love your pork chops with mushroom soup gravy. It looked really good on one of your previous posts.