We've been home a week, it was a busy, emotional week. We attended the memorial service for our friend Del. Then we learned later in the week that our friend Graeff had passed away. His passing was expected. His service is this coming Friday and we'll be going to that.
I got caught up with laundry and got my bags unpacked. Most of my things are put away except for some books I had taken. They are still sitting on one of the dining table chairs. I need to straighten up my bookcase before I put them away.
I took all kinds of reading material with me, 3 or 4 books and some stamping magazines. I didn't do any reading while we were gone. I did manage to look at a couple of my magazines and then I bought a couple more when I went shopping at Hobby Lobby in Ft. Worth. All that reading material amounted to two tote bags I really didn't need to take. I don't think they were even taken out of the van when we stopped at our hotels along the way. In unpacking my bags, I also noticed that I took more clothes than I really needed. I don't know why I always do that. I just laundered and wore the same things over and over.
I don't know if it was adjusting to the time difference or what, I was also really tired last week. I slept good being back in our bed, however don't think I slept long enough to be rested.
On Saturday Gerry did a PGR mission at Sacramento International Airport. They welcomed an Army sergeant coming home from his third tour to Iraq. There was quite a group of PGR guys there. A few had their wives with them so I wasn't the only woman. Then when we got to the airport there was another group of people that the family had asked to be there. Passengers and people waiting for passengers on the incoming flights stood around and watched. Several people stopped and thanked the PGR guys for their service. It is always heart warming to hear and see that show of gratitude to the service member. I got misty eyed several times. A few of the PGR guys then escorted the family home. We were going to watch them leave the airport property and pulled over close to the freeway to watch them go by. A few other cars also pulled over. A Sheriff car went down the inbound road and saw the cars stopped so it went down a ways and turned around. As it got to the cars, on its loudspeaker the deputy told us we couldn't stop, to keep moving. Gerry knew the route the motorcade was going so we drove over to the area and stopped at the Chevron station where everyone had assembled before going to the airport. Gerry stood out on the curb and waited for them to come. He called me to come watch when he saw them come over the freeway overpass. As they approached and went by, he took a video. I'll get that on here and the pictures I took, later. We then drove by the family's home on our way home. The PGR guys were still there. The front yard had American flags all over.
In San Francisco today, at the airport, there was going to be another mission. Gerry wanted to go and I thought we were. A group of WWII veterans had flown out on Friday to go to Washington DC to see the WWII memorial. There was a group of PGR that saw them off. Then today they were returning and the PGR was going to welcome them back.
When he got out of the shower this morning, he told me he didn't really feel up to fighting the traffic in San Francisco nor driving that distance. It is over 100 miles to the airport from where we live. The route takes you over the Oakland Bay Bridge and the traffic gets pretty crazy as you get close to the bridge and San Francisco.
So instead we went to church and then went to California Pizza Kitchen for lunch. The food is so good there. I had a Grilled Caesar Chicken sandwich on focaccia bread with a side Caesar salad and Gerry had Spicy Italian Sausage and Penne Pasta. The focaccia bread had herbs and onions on the top of it. Very Good!! I'm sure Gerry's was good too, he cleaned his plate, literally with slices of sourdough bread they brought to the table. :))
Soon after we got home, son Erik called from Idaho and they talked for over 2 hours. I was going to try and take a nap and the talking on the phone kept waking me up. I did lay down for about an hour and a half. I did notice on FB that Gerry did get some Father's Day greetings from Elizabeth and Denise. And I wished him Happy Father's Day on there too. :))
It was a little warm today and according to the weather, it is suppose to warm up this week. It was on the cool side yesterday.
Well, I have some birthday cards to make this week and get in the mail. And hopefully I will have some time to go through all my pictures that I've downloaded and see what I want to put on my blog.
Trust all is well in your neck of the woods!! Talk to y'all soon!!
Cy's Breakfast
7 hours ago
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