These are pillowcases that I made for our bed. This fabric was in a box in my closet, have no idea when I purchased it or what I purchased it for. They are really easy to make. Made another set, forgot to take a picture of it.
I purchased a yard of this upholstry fabric (barkcloth) from my friend, Barb Sasaki, Sasaki Bags of Kailua-Kona, HI. I have always loved this pattern. I made a tote bag for my neighbor, Sally, and then made one for myself this afternoon. The background is black with red hibiscus and bird of paradise. The colors are gorgeous!!
This is the other side of the bag. I have some fabric left over, enough to probably make a couple of zippered pouches...Want one? Let me know.
Last summer I started a quilt top, my first one...ever...had to put it aside because of my cataracts and not being able to see. A few weeks ago, I finally got the rows sewn together...last week I purchased everything else I needed to finish the quilt. I got the borders sewn on earlier this week and now need to put the sandwich together to finish it...I'm avoiding that part...once I got the borders on, it changed the whole look of the top. I have it hanging in the doorway of the closet in my craft room. Didn't want it to get wrinkled and have to press again.
Here's a close-up.
I sold 4 tote bags, the 3 that were listed in the previous post plus one like mine that I just made. Sally, my neighbor, bought 2 of them and Didi, my Hawaii friend Jalna's sister, bought two. I have squares put together to make 2 more...will get around to those in the next couple of weeks.
I've also made some flag bags for 3 of the PGR guys...those were simple to make. I am enjoying so much being able to sew again. Card making has kind of gone by the!
Saw the optometrist yesterday at Kaiser and got my new glasses ordered. I need glasses to read and do close up stuff...should have those in a couple of weeks or so. Otherwise my vision is excellent...was able to read the 20/20 line without any eyes have healed very well from the surgeries...still have to use the drops for the glaucoma...the pressure reading yesterday was very good...will get that checked again in October.
Pueblo Mexican Food
6 days ago